Sunday, February 5, 2012

What does the Rx mean at the end of different fitness and health related titles?

There is a magazinew Fitness Rx. I have also seen it used other places in other ways.What does the Rx mean at the end of different fitness and health related titles?From Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia

Rx can refer to:

the symbol that originated in medical prescriptions. 鈩?(also written as "Rx") and "medical prescription" are sometimes used interchangeably. The use of 鈩?in prescriptions originated as an astrological symbol that was written for talismanic reasons at the start of medical prescriptions. Later it changed into 鈩?(an uppercase R with its tail crossed), and was used as an abbreviation for the Latin word recipe = "take" (imperative), i.e. an instruction to the pharmacist to take the items listed in order to prepare the medicine. When printing came, it was rendered as "Rx"

Rx or legend drug is a legal description in the United States for drugs that are only available on prescription from a licensed medical practitioner but are not controlled substancesWhat does the Rx mean at the end of different fitness and health related titles?
RX is a prescription.What does the Rx mean at the end of different fitness and health related titles?Rx is the trade symbol for Rexall Drugs. A famous pharmacy throught America in the 50's, 60's 70's and 80's.
Rx = it means prescriptionWhat does the Rx mean at the end of different fitness and health related titles?It means perscription. Just when you see Rx replace it with perscription.What does the Rx mean at the end of different fitness and health related titles?
Rx is a symbol for "Medicine"
1. A prescription for medicine or a medical appliance.

2. A remedy, cure, or solution for a disorder or problem.What does the Rx mean at the end of different fitness and health related titles?
Rx means prescription
that Rx is an abbreviation for the Latin word "recipere" or "recipe," which means "Take, thou." In the days before manufactured drugs, apothecaries (who were also doctors) would write out a formula for medications. They would mix up and compound ingredients to make drugs or remedies. Not until well into the 19th century was the distinction between the apothecary/pharmacist as a compounder of medicines and the physician as a therapist generally accepted. According to the Pharmaceutical Handbook (nineteenth edition, 1980), the Latin abbreviation Rx is completed by some statement such as "fiat mistura," which means "let a mixture be made," sometimes abbreviated to f. m. or ft. mist. or fait mist.). Pharmacists required a knowledge of compounding until recently. In 1920, 80% of prescriptions were compounds mixed in the shop. In the 1940s the number of prescriptions requiring compounding had declined to 26%, and then to 1% or less in 1971.
Rx stands for "Ricepe" or thou taketh together with the prayer to the Lord (Lord Zeus, the God of Medicine). It means a doctor's instruction when he writes to a patient with prayers to the God and advises him to take that medicine/preparation for getting well.
The Rx means medical prescription.
RX is short for prescription, probably derived from the latin word.
Rx means Prescription, as in prescribed drugs.
Rx is the symbol for prescription medication. These companies use the Rx to imply that their product is medicinal in nature. That is is doctor approved. Just an advertising ploy.

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