Sunday, February 5, 2012

What are some ways that I can increase my aerobic fitness level?

I'm in need of increasing my aerobic fitness level for sports, what are some easy ways to do such a thing?What are some ways that I can increase my aerobic fitness level?Well obviously as the guy before said run. But the specifics of running would be to try some HIT intervals. That is , High Intensity Training Intervals. This is the best way to quickly increase both your stamina and leg muscles.

What you should do is for 15mins.. start of sprinting as fast as you can for 2mins non-stop. Then walk for 3 to catch your breathe. Then repeat 3 times. Make sure to really push yourself. You'll burn more calories than running for 40mins, and also build muscle since its High Intensity. Do that 3 days a week, and rest on the off days (or jog some, never hurts).What are some ways that I can increase my aerobic fitness level?run

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