Thursday, February 2, 2012

What are the stock story lines for the Hollywood romantic comedy?

The main one I know is that the 2 people don't like each other and then there is sexual tension. I like that term sexual tension, since it must by definition be released. There's the other one about a woman who has to choose between 2 men. What are the others.What are the stock story lines for the Hollywood romantic comedy?I think the outline of most romantic comedies goes something like this:

1. The two "meet cute" (in some clever situation).

2. The two either immediately like each other, or else seem to be complete opposites.

3. If they immediately like each other, than a romance blossoms. If they are opposites, then they squabble, while resisting what seems to be an illogical mutual attraction. But then romance eventually blossoms.

4. Something comes along that seems to doom their romance. It could be a romantic rival, a new job in another part of the world, fear of commitment on the part of one of them... It doesn't really matter what it is, as long as it keeps them apart and seems insurmountable.

5. At the last moment, the couple overcomes the seemingly insurmountable problem, and rush into each other's arms, to live happily ever after.

5b: Often there is some physical place that one of them must reach in order to save the romance, such as an airport (if one of them is leaving) or a church (to stop the other one from getting married to the wrong person). This allows for a bit of action %26amp; suspence, as the person races to make it to that location on time to rescue the romance.

You can sum it all up by the old cliche: Boy meets girl, boy loses girl, buy gets girl.What are the stock story lines for the Hollywood romantic comedy?LOVE SNEAKS UP WITHOUT ANY SEXUAL TENSION UNTIL THE VERY END

Friends/step M/F have been life long companions suddenly realise love is on their doorstep. (Clueless/Emma//When Harry Met Sally).

Victims of circumstance or breakup enter into a passionless/romance less situation, and learn to find love in the end is what kept them together

(Knocked Up/Two Weeks Notice/The Maid/Somethings Gotta Give/)

Arranged Marriage/entanglement without romantic overtones, and purely of convenience turns in the end as real in the end if not surprising. The absence of that person makes them both look at the relationship with new eyes.

(Green Card/The Proposal)

Twice around once where lovers then were not situation presents

(Momma Mia, Sweet Home Alabama)What are the stock story lines for the Hollywood romantic comedy?1. Uptight woman is unexpectedly swept by sweet charming guy, thus causing her to change her ways, become a better person and get with the guy.

2. Unrequited love - e.g. "Romeo and Juliet" style, cultural obstacles (and other things) stopping the two from becoming one. Titanic is also another example.

3. Or a woman playing hard to get, and it seems impossible for the guy to get with her, but he usually always does anyway.

4. Male or the Female has a disease/ one of them ends up dying at the end. (This is the saddest kind)

5. Underdog gets with someone super popular. The film "She's All That" is an example.What are the stock story lines for the Hollywood romantic comedy?
1.A couple fight and break up. There will be some wooing other people during the split, and the couple will realise they were good together and either get back together, or there will be a sign of promise at the end.

2. Sometimes, and this overlaps with other genres, the guy will try going after the dislikable lady, realise later she's an ar*e, and end up with the other girl he had neglected throughout the film.


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