Sunday, February 5, 2012

If a balanced diet is important to physical health, then what is a balanced diet for civic fitness?

You eat carbs, protein, fat, fiber and get sleep and rest. What kind of balance is needed to be a well informed citizen with regard to public policy and current affairs.

Also, rate yourself from liberal = 1 to conservative = 5.

Best Answer to completeness and cleverly sticking to the fitness analogy. Thanks.If a balanced diet is important to physical health, then what is a balanced diet for civic fitness?Just like our hectic personal lives, our "civic" life can be difficult to balance. The right choices for proper nutrition are tough when faced by the fast food jungle. Likewise, the airwaves make it almost impossible to get a balanced diet of news. MSNBC on the left and Fox on the right make it as hard to get balance as trying to eat a balanced meal at KFC or BK. The only way to consistently eat well is to fix your own food. So in order to get a balanced intake of current affairs and public policy information is to listen, read and search out all sides of the stories yourself. Both take work but you will be healthier because of it. I would rate myself a 4.7 because .3 of me thinks it takes a few liberals to keep us from going too far right.If a balanced diet is important to physical health, then what is a balanced diet for civic fitness?An understanding of history, and the Constitution (meaning beyond just thinking the Constitution exists so that fat white guys can carry guns and feel brave).If a balanced diet is important to physical health, then what is a balanced diet for civic fitness?At the moment we receive: politicians who are dickheads, deficits, lies and a hint of racism to give us all a sick feeling in our stomach.

I'm a UK conservative being 4/5.If a balanced diet is important to physical health, then what is a balanced diet for civic fitness?
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