Friday, January 20, 2012

What Percentage Of America's Money Does Hollywood Have?

If you think about where the big money makers are and where the cost of living is out of control, its these big cities like San Francisco, San Diego, LA, Chicago, and New York. Why is it that these cities that have the worst crime rates and gangs, the most drug dealers and the jobs that make the most money in America and are a majority Liberals? Don't you find this odd? They can't even control their cities yet think they know best how to run the country?

Hollywood people don't set good examples, most of them can barely stay married for a few years.What Percentage Of America's Money Does Hollywood Have?Who Knows since most ultra wealthy in CA have squirreled their $$$into tax sheltered holes, or offshore or in foreign investments. DO THEY NOT REALIZE that ObaMEwill go after their $$ (greedy folks MUST share) HE Is ljust holding back on his need 4 a "a windfall profit tax "on the entertainment business and its products...Entertainers and others in the industry will find themselves taxed out of existence

Money spent on CD's movies,building sets,production costs and then the sales profit are LUXURIES --not available to all --and dont really produce anything that can "HELP struggling folks".. same principal as the excessive use of air conditioners,too few walking ,riding buses,excess usage of water (damn showers) and power grid (TV, lights, ...etc)..

--%26gt;California is insolvent. It EXISTS off the backs of US taxpayers. Without FED funds, Ca cannot meet its state payroll, or even pay its utility bills YET they offer "sanctuary",protect the gangs,drug runners,coyotes and anyone else generating cash including celebrity criminals/politicians etc CA "gets water" shipped in (Colorado river) yet cant pay the bill,or maintain their equipment , builds houses on mountainsides then is surprised that mudslides happen,and duh..hasnt figured out yet that fires are always going to be problem and great expense .Anyone ever wonder why CA has FAILED to buy adequate fire equipment,including water choppers/planes , hired adequate #'s of firefighters,developed water reservoirs ?Hey does anyone remember that windfarms actually make the land down wind of the wind farm dryer and hotter....and created turbulent windflow patterns that may produce up/down drafts,lightening??? oops that info was never released to the alt energy/environ types messenger wanted to be stoned for heresy.

Money???ALL the money doesnt help in fact it appears to create a delusional society that is unable to understand why they cant get everything they want free or at least paid for,suppled by others%26gt;%26gt;%26gt; No worries their $$is also delusional so they wont mind its taxed...the gangs will provide and the illegals will work for food (OMG not the seals!) ...the wealthy will relocate and/or hire ex-military as their security service. a beautiful place where one can soak up the sun then ask /demand/sell/beg for the necessary munchies...which MUST be available to all because anything less would be like you know,unfair and //or inhumane..What Percentage Of America's Money Does Hollywood Have?
Most money in California comes from electronics. Hollywood is just a small fraction of the California economy but it is the most vocal.

Silicon Valley (south of San Francisco) is home to Apple, H.P., Google, Yahoo, Intel, AMD, Ebay, Applied Materials, Cisco, Agilent, Sun, Oracle, Lochheed satellites, etc.. Silicon Valley workers are mostly conservatives and don't like to see the social decay caused by social programs and illegal immigration.

Why Are The Most Deadliest Cities Run By Democrats?;鈥?/a>What Percentage Of America's Money Does Hollywood Have?a lot
Let's take a look, instead at how much money Hollywood GIVES to America...

Hollywood movies are our most precious "export"... they are actually almost our ONLY export thanks to the Cons who ship all our jobs overseas.

When was the last time YOU paid taxes on 8 million dollars and still supported a Democrat who wants to tax the rich even more?

They are only as rich as they are because the world seems to enjoy the materials they release...

McCain supporters have NO RIGHT to talk to us about the sanctity of Marriage.... LOLWhat Percentage Of America's Money Does Hollywood Have?we don't know how many dollars there are in circulation.What Percentage Of America's Money Does Hollywood Have?
History and actual examples are not going to sway any liberal's mind set.

Strange, isn't it?
Hi McCain is older and not wiser,:)

California is the 8th largest economy in the world, does that help? Much of the money generated is from silicon valley, silicone hills, oil and our outstanding AGRICULTURAL work. That combination of forward thinking intellect, hard work, luck and talent has created our well-spring. Isn't it amazing that as wealthy as California is we don't cut off the red-states and let them die an unsubsidized death! You red staters would be as powerful as you were in 1865 if it wasn't for our spoon feeding you.

Some of the poorest and least powerful people are the poor white living in West Virgina for example. They are so poor that the federal govt has listed them as extreme risk to hunger. Despite the problems of big city life, at least everyone gets fed here. And can get work or see a doctor when they really need to. Not so in many red states. You have the oversimplified social studies book.What Percentage Of America's Money Does Hollywood Have?
you missed the most obvious city, Washington, DC. highest murder per ca pita, highest crime rate. and those people over there are always telling us what to do, and they can't even fix their own back yard.
Old Fidel is Right again ;)

But!! Old McCain is a carbon copy of Bush ;)
The percentage of income disposable to other Americans LOL

I agree, and I know quite a few people who are involved in one aspect of the industry or the other. It is indeed a challenge to not get caught up in the ersatz universe there, but some folks manage to be "normal." It is a difficult environment all the way around.
  • jp cycles
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