Monday, January 30, 2012

How do you enjoy deep emotionaly engaging hollywood movies?

Is it right for them to make such moving movies, so after the movies then what ,main actor dies at the end and your emotions have been kind of raped.How do you enjoy deep emotionaly engaging hollywood movies?Movies are themselves an art form. While most movies are considered just entertainment, there should still be art movies that make you think and get you engaged in the story. Without those I think movies would lose their true identity and that must never happen. I don't know how your emotions could be "raped". Perhaps you're looking at the movie in the wrong light or don't get the meaning of the plot line.How do you enjoy deep emotionaly engaging hollywood movies?i like movies that toy with my emotions.

much better then just sitting through one of those crude-humor movies where you dont even feel anything.

i like movies where you can feel sympathetic to the characters and feel what there feeling. like sadness, in love, fear.. etc

i really like titanic for those reasons. i dont just watch that movie, i actually feel emotionsHow do you enjoy deep emotionaly engaging hollywood movies?Movies that are like that don't "rape" your emotion. If anything the most they do is make you think about life more. It's better ofr you than pointless comedy movies (even though i love them)

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